2019 BCVS/ECVR Data Blitz Competition and Panel


The ECVR would like to extend our thanks to everyone who attended and participated in the Annual Data Blitz and Luncheon on March 21! We had almost 50 people in attendance for the Blitz as well as our “Life in Cardiovascular Sciences” panel discussion, and both sessions were interactive and hopefully informative for all.

We would also like to congratulate the winner of this year’s BCVS/ECVR Data Blitz, Kelsey Conrad from Phil Owens’s lab, for her presentation “The role of gut microbe-dependent trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in abdominal aortic aneurysm”.

Events such as this would not be possible without the incredible support we’ve received from the Greater Cincinnati American Heart Association (AHA) as well as the UC Heart Lung and Vascular Institute (HLVI) and the Heart Institute at CCHMC. Thanks to these and other partnerships, the ECVR is already planning additional events for our trainees and early career cardiovascular scientists. 

Michael Bround